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April 1 2018
Our commitment to safety is at the centre of everything that we do, from our company induction to our membership of the Track Safety Alliance to the publication of our in-house industry-leading magazine, SafetyINRail. From our Managing Director to our workforce on the front line, safety is everyone’s responsibility and is the key part of our pledge to get “everyone home safe every day”
Our new workforce safety app SAM, which stands for “Safety at McGinley”, is a multi-platform mobile app designed to give users a simple & speedy way to report Close Calls, anytime, anywhere. Along with McGinley SECURE, it is another tool in our safety toolbox to promote safe working across the rail industry
SAM is available to all McGinley Support Services employees and workers as well as our customers and suppliers.
The initial idea for SAM was formed as part of a collaboration between our internal health and safety, delivery and IT teams and feedback from our workforce on the front line.
SAM provides all users with a simple and quick way to report, record and track Close Calls, which remain an important tool in improving health, safety and well-being of all those working in the rail industry.
Simple & speedy to use! Check out the highlights of the app
If you have any questions when using the SAM app then please email us at