
May 4 2023

Mental Health Support Guide

Mental health problems can affect anyone at any time, and it's important to recognise when you need help. Seeking support can be challenging, but it's the first step towards getting and staying well. This guide will provide you with information on when to seek help, where to go for help, and the different types of support available.

When should you seek help?

It's not always easy to know when to seek help for mental health issues. However, if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it's important to seek help:

  • Worrying more than usual
  • Finding it hard to enjoy your life
  • Having thoughts and feelings that are difficult to cope with and impact your day-to-day life
  • Interested in finding more support or treatment

Where to go for help

There are many different places to go for help when you need it. Here are some options:

  1. NHS urgent mental health helpline - This helpline is available 24/7 for people of all ages in England. You can call for advice and support for you, your child, your parent, or someone you care for. They can also help you speak to a mental health professional and provide an assessment to find the right care for you.
  2. GP - Your local GP practice is the first place to go when you're unwell. Your doctor can make a diagnosis, offer you support and treatments, refer you to a mental health specialist, and recommend local support options.
  3. Lighthouse - Construction Industry Helpline - This helpline provides a 24/7 safety net for all construction workers and their families in the UK and Ireland. They provide emergency financial aid to construction families in crisis, advice on occupational health and mental wellbeing, and support on legal, tax, and debt management matters.
  4. Shout Crisis Text line - For support in a crisis, you can text "Shout" to 85258. They can help with urgent issues such as suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying, and relationship challenges.
  5. The Mind Infoline - Mind provides confidential mental health information services. They offer an information line to answer questions about types of mental health problems, where to get help, drug and alternative treatments, and advocacy. Call the Mind infoline on 0300 123 3393 (UK landline calls are charged at local rates, and charges from mobile phones will vary considerably). Or email
  6. Samaritans - Provides confidential, non-judgmental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write a letter, or talk to someone face-to-face. Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call). Email:

It's important to remember that mental health problems can be treated, and there is no shame in seeking help. By taking the first step and seeking support, you are making a positive decision.


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